Marraine Tendresse de l'Estrie
At-home respite
following childbirth
A care sponsor (marraine tendresse) is a volunteer resource who is discreet, respectful, and fully committed to looking after the baby while you take a break and focus on you.
Free visits
Arms to cradle the baby
Marraine Tendresse de l’Estrie gives new mothers and fathers respite when there is a newborn joining the family. Whether or not it is your first baby, every birth is unique and requires adaptation. A three-hour home visit once per week for a period of approximately three months is provided.
Some time to focus on you
A friendly ear
Marraine Tendresse offers respite to parents of newborn babies, an open ear, and help to reconcile some aspects of their new situation as harmoniously as possible.
Nous n'avons que de belles choses à dire sur ma marraine! Nous sommes plus qu’heureux que son chemin ait croisé le nôtre. Nous nous sommes toujours sentis écoutés, respectés. Elle aime d’amour notre bébé et ça parait.