Historique de Marraine Tendresse de l'Estrie


Marraine Tendresse de l’Estrie was born of a citizen’s concern about the potential psychological distress that can arise during the maternity experience. One day, a colleague of Marie-Paule Aylwin confided to her in private about the distress she experienced due to her baby’s crying. She decided that on her retirement, she would establish a self-help network so every mother could receive the support they needed.

In 1991, a recently retired Ms. Aylwin recruited four of her friends to undertake the process of setting up the organization. Together, they defined the goals and mission. A notarized deed at the Saint-François Courthouse formalized the organization on December 4, 1992. The service was then presented on various media, the first requests from mothers came in, and the visits began.

In the following years, an increasing number of mothers sought help from our sponsors. Therefore, the quality of the sponsor’s visits and their well-being are vital to the organization. As a result, volunteers are beginning to receive monthly training on a range of topics, including active listening, postpartum depression, and childhood illnesses.

The service is growing and expanding its visibility

Today, Marraine Tendresse de l’Estrie is recognized by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec, Centraide Estrie, and the Ville de Sherbrooke. It is a major support network for families in Sherbrooke and the surrounding area. Marraine Tendresse de l’Estrie has over 100 volunteers, supports over 150 families every year, and is constantly growing!


The service provided is truly incredible and essential. In our case, it was a lifeline for me to know that every week my sponsor would be there.

